Whom indeed.
Mr. Max, where are you?
Good morning.
Is something wrong?
No, nothing. Good morning.
What are you looking for?
What are you looking for?
The bug.
That's a waste of time.
You won't find anything.
I can't take this!
Continual surveillance!
I can't take this!
Artificial parthenogenesis is a form
of virgin birth involving mechanical
impregnation by another female cell.
When was it carried out
for the first time,
and what was the result?
It was carried out for the first time
on a sea-urchin 130 years ago.
Test tube babies.
They even look similar.
In 1910, parthenogenesis was induced
in a frog by passing blood
into an unfertilized egg.
In 1939, Gilda Pincus...
Our method of reproduction
is fool-proof.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Teaching children such filth!