Watch the elevator!
Good God! Just like my Juzus!
You said Jesus, what does that mean?
I said Juzus!
That was my fiancees name.
What does fiancee mean?
I don't know if your generation
has any woman left in them.
It's not worth being a woman
when there are no men around.
But what were they used for?
Amusement... in a manner of speaking.
Amusement? That's just TV.
Theres something about them
that's very distracting.
Even fascinating.
I dreamt about them last night.
Oh, child, could it be that you've
fallen in love with one of them?
What do you plan to do with them?
Theyre supposed to be naturalized.
What? You want to
turn them into women?
That's a fate
worse than death for them!
And theres finally an occasion
for everything to return to normal.
If I were younger, I would do
everything in my power to save them!
You're different from the others.
What's your name?
Theyre not there.
Elevators empty, too.