My apologies, dear sisters,
for keeping you waiting.
My watch stopped.
I would like to remind everyone
that this proceeding, and it's outcome,
are strictly confidential.
We have two items on our agenda,
Both are sitting right down there.
This looks really serious.
Some sort of organization.
The floor will now go to Dr. Berna.
We are gathered here today, sisters,
to decide the fate of two members
of the 2nd gender, who by accident,
escaped extinction and are now among
We will present our position last,
since we have the most data on this.
Who would like to take the floor?
I don't think
theres anything to discuss.
Our grandmothers have long shown us
the path needed to reach our goal.
Woman must never again
become a waitress
Attending males
at the banquet of life.
Never again!
Males are the enemy!
We are all firmly committed
to preventing any new outbreak
of the plague known as Man,
against which weve all been
Aren't you exaggerating a bit?
Without men, the world would not
The history of progress
is the history of man.
You can't deny that!
Scientists, humanists, inventors!
They were all men!
And because of that...
Which ones? Name some!
That's a lie! Copernicus was a woman!