"[Kazoos Playing Brahms's
"Hungarian Dance No. 5"]
Move it.
Call me, okay?
You call me first.
Tell me what happened at home.
I can tell you
right now. Nothing.
Will you quit feeling sorry
for yourself? It's bad
for your complexion!
"["Theme from Dragnet"]
How's it goin'?
How's what going?
You know, things,
life, whatnot.
Life is not whatnot,
and it's none of your business.
[Pages Ruffling]
Hmm. So you goin'
to the new faces
dance tonight, or...
That's also none
of your business.
Clears Throat]
Are you inhibited
about dancing in public?
I mean,
you don't have to dance.
Maybe you could just stand
there with me and my dudes
and just be you, and... -
Sounds major.
So, I mean,
what's the story?
I mean, you got a guy, or...
Yes, three big ones,
and they lust wimp blood.
So quit bugging me,
or I'll sic them
all over your weenie ass.
You know, I'm getting
input here that I'm reading
as relatively hostile.
I mean, it's just...
Go to hell.
Very hostile.
Come on,
what's the problem here?
I'm a boy, you're a girl.
Is there anything wrong with me
tryin' to put together some kind
of relationship between us?