[Brakes Squealing]
[People Screaming]
[Metal Clattering]
'FarmerJohn '
'I'm in love
with your daughter '
[Girl Panting]
Oh, no.
Easy, easy, easy.
"[Loud Rock]
[Kids Chattering, Laughing]
[Headgear Beeping]
Shit, Ted, that's my mom.
I gotta get home.
Change your frequency.
Don't be such a wimp!
[People Laughing,
Chattering Loudly]
Take those ridiculous things
off, okay?
Will you guys grow up?
Ted, won't we get
pounded if we go
to a senior party?
Wease, we got $70,
and we got a pair
of girl's underpants.
We're safe as kittens.
This is a great social
opportunity for us.
Come on!
Do not embarrass me,
For sure, we won't.
Will you fix your hair,
I already did.
Wease, close your barn,
all right?
And be polite
to his parents.
Okay. Great.
[Gong Clangs]
Hey, come on in and
party hearty, dude persons.