Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

We have reached the destination
planet at point 035.

Very well, Lieutenant. Helm.
Execute standard orbital approach.
Send a coded message for
Starfleet Commander, Priority One.

"Federation science vessel Grissom
arriving Genesis, Mutara Sector,"

"to begin research.
J.T. Esteban commanding."

Dr Marcus, it's your planet.
Begin scanning, please.
This is where the fun begins, Saavik.
Just like your father, so human.
All units functional.
Recorders are on. Scanning Sector 1 .

The foliage in fully developed state
of growth. Temperature 22.2 Celsius.

Sector 2 indicating desert terrain.
Minimal vegetation. Temperature 39.4.

Sector 3, sub-tropical vegetation.
Temperature decreasing rapidly.
It's snow.
Snow in the same sector. Fantastic!

All the varieties of land and weather
known to Earth, within hours' walk.

- Metallic mass.
- Close range scan.

A photon tube.
Gravitational fields were in flux.
It must have soft landed.

In code to Starfleet:
"Captain Spock's tube located
on Genesis surface."

I don't believe it.
What is it?
If equipment is functioning properly,
indications are an animal lifeform.
