Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Saavikto Grissom. We are definitely
reading a second lifeform.

We concur.
Proceed with caution, Saavik.

What the hell is going on down there?
Be quick, Admiral. They're moving
him to the Federation 'Funny Farm'.

Yes, poor friend.
I hear he's fruity as a nutcake.

Two minutes.
- How many fingers do I have up?
- That's not very damn funny.

- Your sense of humour has returned.
- The hell it has. What's that?

- Lexorin.
- Lexorin? What for?.

You're suffering from
a Vulcan mind-meld, Doctor.

That green-blooded son-of-a-bitch.
It's his revenge for
all those arguments he lost.

Let me see your hand. This will
make you well enough to travel.

- Where's Admiral Kirk?.
- With the prisoner.

Get him quickly. Commander,
Starfleet, wants him right away.

Keeping you busy?.
Don't get smart, Tiny.
- Admiral, Starfleet...
- This man's sick. Look.

Side elevator.
Agents on their way up.

Don't call me Tiny.
