- Sounds like Soviet space garbage.
- The Molink people say no.
- What does the Kremlin say?
- They don't know from nothing.
This is Delta Yankee, two miles
and closing, locked on target.
- Permission to launch.
- Permission granted.
Delta Yankee executing launch.
Missiles away.
Delta Yankee reports a hit, sir.
No change in speed, but we've got
another alteration of course.
New estimated point of impact:
Wisconsin, up by Chequamegon Bay.
Get Mark Shermin.
Tony takes a pass, Murray
drives to the left and blows it!
He's down.
No harm, no foul.
Call me back in 20 minutes,
will ya? I'm--
Yes, sir. Sorry about that.
Chequamegon Bay.
Yes, sir.
No problem.