that an alien has landed...
assumed the identity
of a dead house painter...
from Madison, Wisconsin...
and is presently out
tooling around the countryside...
in a hopped-up,
orange and black...
1977 Mustang?
We have the following givens.
That man, Scott Hayden,
died last April.
He's dead and buried.
That's verified.
He has no brothers,
no look-alike cousins.
But still this morning
at approximately 6:00--
All right, we have
been through all of that.
I'm gonna ask you now,
how could it happen?
We think it might be
some kind of a cloning deal...
replication of an entire organism
from a single cell.
- We found some of Scott Hayden's hair.
- Is that possible?
Can you clone a living organism
from the hair of a dead man?
Well, human hair consists
of keratinized cells...
although in order to determine
whether replication is possible--
I asked you a question.
You mean us, in our
present state of technology?
- Yes.
- No.
What the hell
are we talking about?
We're hypothesizing a technology
that's 100,000 years ahead of us.
We're the ancients, Mr.Fox.
Technologically, yes.
We've just started.
But even if you're right,
I still have problems.
His knowledge of English.
Listen to this.
I helped put this package
together, you know.
This was designed so that
an intelligent species...
could get a working knowledge
of English...
enough to get by, anyhow.
A couple hundred word vocabulary,
a rough idea of syntax.
Think of what it would mean to talk to
a being from a civilization like that.
Think of what we could learn.
Who represent almost all
of the human inhabitants...
of the planet Earth,
I send greetings.
Greetings! There. That's what
he said to Heinmuller on the road.