The Ice Pirates

Fortunately, your days of amusement...
are coming to an end.
Killing you would be too easy.
I have something better in mind for you.
- You missed me.
- More!

- All right, back off there!
- I didn't get any.

Is that all?
- Here, power to the people, man.
- There you go.

More for me.
Jason, you want your soup?
Give you this gold piece for half the soup.
Food's more important.
Tell you what I'll do.
I'll let you have it
for a quarter of what you got left there.

Okay. Deal.
Hide it well.
What you in for?
Petty theft, grand larceny.
You son of a bitch! Where's my necklace?
- I don't know what you're talking about!
- Don't you lie to me, you little punk!

Hey, he said he doesn't have it.
Maybe you dropped it or something.
Maybe you took t!
Maybe. Do you want to go ahead
and search me?

You want to go ahead
and search everyone here?

- I'm sure no one would mind.
- That's a lot of people to search.

They're not going
to let you keep it anyway.

We've all got
the same sentence, remember?

If I catch the son of a bitch,
I'll kill him anyway.
