Hey, Jas!
Hey, bloods.
Y'all want to pump some kitties?
- Yeah.
- No.
Hey, it's been a long time.
Finest kitties on Mithra.
No. Get the hell out of here.
Transportation and exotic cribs
be included.
Yeah, bloods.
These mamas transport your asses...
We take water, gold...
credit cards, and high-priced-type drugs.
- Yeah.
- I heard that. You got the deal.
Let's go, bloods. This be my bad chariot.
Did they at any time
say where they were going?
Did you hear what they said?
Well, what did they say?
They really must try
and teach these things how to speak.
Couldn't you just tell me, a ship?
- Range and bearings?
- 3-2-4.
- Cross-tracking air?
- Check.
Corrected velocity? What the hell is that?
Ouija game.
Forget that and program the course.
Seven seconds.
Don't give them an inch.
- Two, one...
- Clear.
- Anything on radar?
- No. Why?
It all seemed too easy to me.
- Anything?
- No. All clear.
- Except for him.
- What's "him"?
This little thing?
He's just the ship's garbage robot. Look.
Congratulations, ladies.
You're now bona fide pirates.
Should be in Zagora in about three days.
- Do you know this man?
- Yeah.
That's an old friend of mine.
What do you know about him?
His name is Lanky Nibs.
A rabble-rouser from the midsection.
- Can you arrange for me to see him?
- Why?