"Extremely dangerous when activated.
"Antibody... "
Oh, boy.
"... unknown. "
- Oh, great.
- Put that down.
Get rid of it!
Hey, you guys,
Her Ladyship wants to see us.
She's decided to give us
a third of all the water...
if we help her in Zagora.
Did you see anything out there?
No. Why? What happened?
The ship just got herpes.
Give it to me!
No! It's mine!
Out of my water!
There'll be no more spit with the shine...
unless we get a ship
with some water in it.
This way.
Get out of my way!
Come on!
Better not mention that you're a princess.
I think you're right.
Jason, you never keep
any of your promises.
- I don't? I will next time. I promise.
- You will?
- Promise?
- Loosest women in the Galaxy.
Just my size, spaceman.
How about a good time?