The Ice Pirates

You always have solar steamers.
- What would you like?
- Nothing, thank you.

- Just bring a couple of drinks.
- Lf you want anything else, just ask me.

- You're very beautiful.
- Thank you.

He's not here.
- Where's Sweetwater?
- About 50 miles outside of town.

Can we go?
- We'd need a land craft for that.
- And?

And the only person I know
who's got a land craft...

- is that guy sitting right over there.
- Thank you.

That's a guy?
He works for the city,
so we can't bribe him with water...

but maybe if you were real nice to him...
he'd do us a favor,
if you know what I mean.

Not a chance.
Then I guess we don't go.
You're a bastard.
I've been told that.
Have you any suggestions
as to how I should handle this?

Just have a lot of fun.
That wasn't very nice.
Believe me, she had it coming.
She seems to know what she's doing.
Your he is a she,
and she thinks you're wonderful.

She does?
I think you better go over there
and see what you can do, Jason.

No way.
No water, then.
