The fuck you didn't.
I did everything I could,
and I'm doing everything I can.
Nice to see you.
I'm on my way to Florida.
I'm doing everything I can.
I'm sure. I didn't realize
you'd been out there to see him.
Don't play games with me, Al.
Don't play stupid games.
Nobody gets to go in there.
If I thought I could, I would.
I've sent out hundreds of photographs.
Every relief organization
on the Thai-Kampuchean border...
...has got his picture. If I saw
one glimmer of hope, I'd go today.
Life isn't a '40s movie.
You can't just get on a plane and
make the whole world come out right!
And I can't believe
I'm hearing this from you!
Do you keep in touch
with Dith Pran's family?
Yes. They're living in San Francisco.
How do you respond to accusations
that journalists...
...underestimated the brutality
of the Khmer Rouge...
...and so share responsibility for
what happened in Cambodia afterwards?
We made a mistake.
Maybe we underestimated
the kind of insanity...
...that $ 7 billion worth
of bombing could produce.
That is provocative...
There have been a lot of refugee
stories in Reader's Digest...
...about Cambodia.
Do you believe them?
Don't you believe them?
Maybe in this instance the
Reader's Digest happens to be correct.
Do you apply the same disbelief
to stories...
...that come out of Iran
or Palestine or Chile?
Are refugees your next area
of interest?
Will you be covering the boat people?
No, I will not.
Do you want a cup of tea?
Are you looking around for some kind
of more salable suffering?
I must have sent 500 letters.
I wrote the International Red Cross,
the World Health Organization.