The Last Starfighter

Did it ever occur to you
that it is against the law...

to recruit from worlds
outside the Star League?

Earth's in danger too, isn't it? And,
no, I didn't use the Excalibur test.

It was called a video game.
What's all the brouhaha?

After all, he does have the gift!
This may come as bit of a shock to you,
but he doesn't want to be a Starfighter.

Doesn't want to be a--
Are you a coward?

- Are you crazy?
- You didn't tell me about any of this!

Return the money, Centauri!
Return the money?
Are you delirious?

You know how long it took to invent
the games, to merchandise them...

to get 'em into the stores by Christmas?
It must be terribly embarrassing
for you, and I do sympathize. However--

But I saw him fight! He could be
the greatest Starfighter ever!

- That was a game, Centauri.
- A game?

You may have thought it was a game,
but it was also a test.

Aha! A test! Sent out across
the universe to find those...

with the gift to be Starfighters.
And here you are, my boy.
Here you are!

- Right! Here I am, about to be killed!
- Killed.

You don't seriously think it's
dangerous, do you?

- Don't be silly! Trust me!
Yes, Father, your mighty frontier...
grows weaker by the moment.
Do not call me father!
You are no longer my son!
You're an outcast!
Why have you returned?

I have returned for the good of all Rylans.
With an armada of Kodan
warships behind you?

There are some Rylans
who would welcome me, Father.
