Un amour de Swann

Marquise de Gallardon
and General de Froberville.

Why don't you go see her at home?
It would disturb her.
And I'm becoming
less attached to her.

- You don't say.
- It's true.

I'm making progress.
Baron de Charlus.
Monsieur Charles Swann.

I hardly enjoy being in her bed now.
It's strange.
Sometimes I even find her ugly.

But last night she was ravishing.
I thought girls didn't wear fruit.
Did you get my letter?
Will you come?
Kindly wait for the concerto to end.
That nose.
You saw Odette last night?
Of course. We dined at Prunier.
- Then we went to the Black Cat.
- The Black Cat?

That must have been her idea.
No, it was mine.
Really? How strange.
Well, that's not such a bad idea.
I'm sure she knew
a lot of people there.

Good day.
No, she spoke to no one.
How extraordinary.
So the two of you
just sat there alone?

We did.
- Good day.
- Ladies.

You're very kind, Meme.
Thank you for taking
such good care of Odette.

could you call on her
and mention
