Whatever's the matter with dear Miss Lucy?
I put it down to too much Beethoven.
I heard her beautiful playing.
Miss Catharine,
you have flowers in your hair.
Buongiorno, buongiorno, Ferdinando!
We salute thee.
The bronze came from Turkish cannons,
captured by the Knights of San Stefano.
Come along.
Stop a minute. Let that man go on
or I shall have to speak to him.
Oh, the British abroad!
I'd set an examination at Dover
and turn back any tourists who failed.
Miss, this sepolcro not very good.
You go see affresci di Giotto.
- Capella Peruzzi, Capella Bardivery good.
- No, thank you.
Giotto scolaro di Cimabue.
Kept the sheep on the mountain.