A Room with a View

These must be all right.
They're friends of Cecil's.

- Cecil?
- So you can all call in perfect safety.

- Cecil?!
- We met some Emersons in Florence.

The oddest people, Mrs. Honeychurch,
but we rather liked them.

Emerson's a common enough name.
"So really desirable. I've telegraphed them."
Don't be silly, Freddy. You always overdo it.
A most remarkable father and son.
Father's something of a radical.
The son, full of possibilities.

Don't move.
Stay where you are. "Ginevra de Benci"!

Did you know you were a Leonardo,
smiling at things beyond our ken?

What's this about Sir Harry's new tenants?
I have found him tenants for his Cissie Villa.
I've won a great victory for the comic muse.
After all the trouble I took over the Miss Alans.
Of course I'd prefer friends of yours...
Friends of mine? The joke is to come.
They're strangers
I met in the National Gallery.

They had been to Italy.
A father and son. The oddest couple.

In the course of conversazione,
they said they wanted a country cottage.

A simple burrow
where they could smell the earth.

Of course, London has its own character,
but we've a longing for green things growing,
don't we, George?

The sweetness of the English countryside...
of wet hedgerows
with birds singing inside them.

I know we should make
our heaven and earth where we are.

However, I fear I've faltered
and need some help from outside.

Well, in short, sir, what I seek is a country
cottage where George can come at weekends.

I happen to know of just the place.
Not exactly a cottage, more... a villa.
