Vzbuïte se. Jsme tu. Jsme tu.
Na to,e je to oputìný dùl, se toho tady
docela dost dìje.
That truckload of explosives
should last them for months.
Here comes next year's supply.
Get down.
- Where's the fire?
- On your rear end.
Give me a hand.
- It's the rules. Hard hat area.
- Thanks.
Follow the signs.
Move it. You're late!
You two, come here.
Give us a hand unloading this.
OK, leave it there.
Get a coffee over at the hut.
Come back in 20 minutes.
It's women's lib.
They're taking over the Teamsters.
OK, get this stuff movin'!
We're an hour late.
I should take a closer look at that mine.
What's stopping you?
That's a good idea of yours.
Pity you couldn't find one that fits.