OK, get those wedges in there tight!
Come on, lay the head down here. OK?
The San Andreas Lake is right above us.
Lots of seepage. Could flood any minute.
Finish shoring up the roof.
I'll send the lug back.
Bring up some timber, on the double!
He'll kill millions.
These green lights -
they're Zorin's oil wells.
The ones he's been using to pump
sea water into the Hayward fault.
What are these tunnels for
under these lakes?
These lead straight into this section
of the San Andreas fault.
Zorin just has to blast through the
bottom of these lakes to flood the fault.
- And create a... double earthquake?
- Yes. Except...
Except right beneath us
is the key geological lock
that keeps the faults from moving at once.
Hey, let's go!
All those explosives.
Would they be enough to break the lock?
Of course!
If they go off, both faults move at once.
Silicon Valley and everything in it
submerged for ever.
If it happened at the peak of
the spring tide for maximum effect...