A View to a Kill

His real name is Hans Glaub, a German
pioneer in the development of steroids.

That ties in with the horse injections.
In World War Il he used steroids on
pregnant women in concentration camps

in an attempt to enhance intelligence.
- With any success?
- Virtually every mother aborted.

A handful of children
were produced with phenomenal IQs.

But there was a side-effect:
they were psychotics.

Why wasn't this Mortner or Glaub
tried by the War Crimes Commission?

The Russians grabbed him.
Set him up in a laboratory.

He spent years developing steroids for
their athletes, then vanished 1 5 years ago.

About the same time
Zorin came over to the West.

Could Zorin be one of the steroid kids?
He's definitely the right age,
and he's certainly psychotic.

What about his oil operations?
- Mr O'Rourke!
- Aye!

- Can you spare a minute?
- Sure thing.

The oil operation looks clean, except
for a problem with the crab fishermen.

Good morning.
Here's that reporter I told you about.

Mr O'Rourke.
I understand you have a problem.

That Zorin oil pumping station ruined
one of the best crab patches in the Bay.

Scared them away?
They didn't go nowhere.
They just disappeared.

Well, I'd like to look at
that oil pumping station.

That'll be tough. It's very heavily guarded.
We'll be testing new equipment shortly.
Keep a sharp lookout.

- I don't want anyone near this dock.
- Very good, sir.

- Valves 5 to 1 5 are open.
- What's the report from the wells?

Wells report valves open
and ready to receive water.

Good. Open valves 16 to 25.
