- Is that okay?
- Sure.
But if you're looking to make friends,
don't get your hopes up.
Looks like a pretty slow night.
It is late.
Not for this place.
Things are usually hopping around now.
That's all right.
I just want to get in out of the rain.
I just hope it lets up soon.
I really just want to go home.
Aren't the subways running?
But I happen to be broke at the moment.
Christ. I'll give you the money.
Really? I can't tell you
how much that would mean to me.
- Christ! Not another one.
- Another what?
The guy lives in the same building as me.
He's been here three times tonight...
to tell me about three separate burglaries
in this neighborhood, all tonight.
- Shit!
- What?
I'm just trying to remember if I turned
my burglar alarm on at home tonight.
Sometimes I forget.
Oh, well, anyway.
It's all right.
That's all right. Forget it. Doesn't matter.
No. I'd like to open the register.
What if I got a rush now?
Yeah, I see your point. What about a key?
Do you have a key for that?
- Yeah. But I keep it up in my apartment.
- Damn. That's too bad.
I can't go anywhere,
but how would you like to do me a favor?
- For subway fare?
- Lf you don't mind.
- You got it.
- I'm at 158 Spring Street, top floor. Wait.
What am I doing?