Agnes of God

Here they are now.
One question:
Are you guilty?

Are you guilty?
-Martha, it's you.
-What about Roger? He's free.

They want a woman.
All you have to do is meet with her
and tell the court she's insane.

Are you dictating my position?
This is sticky territory.

Nobody wants this case to go to trial.
Not the Church, the Crown,
least of all me.

-Eve, she strangled a baby.
-Nobody wants to send a nun to prison.

We're not telling you what to decide,
or even to take it.

Is there any reason why you feel
you shouldn't take it?

Today's my birthday.
I always make bad decisions
on my birthday.

Happy birthday.
Hi, kitty.
It's Helen. Mrs. Davenport confirmed
her appointment at 9:00 tomorrow.

Okay? Bye-bye.
Wait a minute.
-It's Roger. Call me at the hospital.

I'd like your opinion on a case.
And happy birthday.
