Agnes of God

It's your favourite.
Who are you?
It's Martha, Mama.
Here you go.
Marie brings me ice cream too,
you know.

Chocolate. My favorite.
I thought cherry vanilla was.
Not anymore. Now I like chocolate.
-Are they treating you all right?
-Martha never comes to see me.

Watch, she's going to hell.
After the things she's said to me.

Then she marries this son-of-a-bitch
Frenchman, has an abortion.

I knew that one wouldn't work out.
Not like you, Marie.
You got married to God.
Marie's dead, Mama.
When you was little, Marie, you'd
come back from the movies and say:

"Mama, that ending was so sad."
I'd tell you they had the happy
endings in a vault in Hollywood.

And you believed me.
...that wasn't Marie, that was me.
Who are you?
I'm Martha, Mama.
The convent was built for over 50.
Not many of us left.

-Us and the chickens.
-How do you survive?

We own the land, but we rent it out.
We keep a few acres.
Some wheat, corn, some vegetables.

That's a lot of land.
You have field hands?

No, we work the land alone.
Only Sister Marguerite and I
are permitted public contact.

Sister Anne, which was Agnes' room?
