Let's go.
Hey, Joe Hero. Did you
make out with the princess?
Did she put out a little bit
to thank you for saving her life?
Let's get outta here. This place stinks.
Four bodies to impress a girl.
Was a heavy price, wasn't it?
Wasn't it?
- Bienvenido.
- Hola, amigo Ortega.
- Welcome to the Ortega estate.
- Thank you very much.
- Welcome. Pasen, por favor.
- Mm, no está mal.
- Hi.
- Janette.
- Enchanté.
- Juliette.
Very nice to meet you.
Qué cosas más lindas
tienes aquí en tu palacio.
Pero, es espeluznante
todo esto, ¿verdad?
Everything that you see
here... it all belongs to me.
We are totally autonomous here.
We grow our own food, train our staff...
...and store our product
until the right buyers...
...such as yourselves, can take delivery.
Very impressive.