American Ninja

So you're the new driver, huh?
I hear you think yourself to be
some kind of a tough guy.

A karate boy.
- Hey, I'm talkin' to you, hero.
- He thinks he's a real bad-ass, Jackson.

I think you should
teach him a lesson there, ace.

- Bad-ass?
- Mm-hm.

You know, every place you go, there's
someone who thinks he's a bad-ass.

- Then there are those few who are.
- He ain't one of 'em.

Are you some kind of
a bad-ass, karate boy?

Because from what I heard,
you didn't act like one the other day.

And we lost some good
friends because of it, huh?

We like to know where a person stands.
We pride ourselves on teamwork here.

We left all the glory boys back in Vietnam.
Because glory boys like you get people
killed. You understand what I'm sayin'?

Yeah, you understand what I'm sayin'.
So let's go, bad-ass.
Let's see what kind
of stuff you're made out of.

- Don't push it.
- Good.

Very good. I've touched somethin'.
Let's go.
I'm talkin' to you, Mr. Hero.
