Jackson, get up.
Here. Go and get him with this.
- You damn right I'll get him.
- Yeah! Yeah!
- What's this?
- Mess him up now.
- What is this?
- He can't even see you.
All right, all right, all right.
I'm Jackson.
Curtis Jackson is man enough
to admit when he's wrong.
- Joe's all right, right?
- Right.
Ain't this a bitch? I've been instructing
martial arts in the army for many years...
...and you've got some sharp moves.
Who'd you study with?
Nobody. I just picked up a few things
here and there, in the streets.
In the str...
Well, look, thanks for the demonstration.
That's the lesson for today, guys.
If you can get your opponent off balance,
you use his own energy to defeat him.
- Get your ass in my office.
- But Sarge, he was just...
Don't try to cover up for him, Jackson.
I saw the whole thing. He started it.
- Sarge, you got it wrong.
- Knock it off. He's not worth it.