Do not hook up to the amplifier.
There's a slight possibility of overload.
Yeah. I'll keep that in mind.
Good. I'll see you tonight. Don't forget.
1:15 a.m., Twin Pines Mall.
Are those my clocks I hear?
Yeah, it's 8:00.
Perfect! My experiment worked!
They're all exactly 25 minutes slow!
Wait a minute, Doc.
Are you telling me that it's 8:25?
I'm late for school.
- Strickland's looking for you.
If you get caught,
it'll be four tardies in a row.
All right, come on. I think we're safe.
This time it wasn't my fault.
The doc set all his clocks 25 minutes slow.
The doc?
Am I to understand you're still hanging
around with Dr. Emmett Brown, McFly?
Tardy slip for you, Miss Parker.
And one for you, McFly.
l believe that's four in a row.