Let me give you a nickel's worth
o"f f"ree advice, young man.
This so-called Dr. Brown is dangerous.
He's a real nutcase.
Hang around with him,
you'll end up in big trouble.
Yes, sir.
You got a real attitude problem.
You're a slacker.
You remind me of your father
when he went here. He was a slacker, too.
Can I go now, Mr. Strickland?
Your band is on the roster for
the dance auditions after school today.
Why even bother?
You don't have a chance.
You're too much like your old man.
No McFly ever amounted to anything
in the history of Hill Valley.
Yeah, well, history is going to change.
Next, please.
All right.
We're the Pinheads.
One, two, three.
Okay, that's enough. Thank you, fellas.
Hold it, fellas.
I'm afraid you're just too darn loud.
Next, please.
Next group, please.
Re-elect Mayor Goldie Wilson.
Progress is his middle name.
"Too loud." I can't believe it.
We'll never get a chance
to play in front of anybody.
Marty, one rejection
isn't the end of the world.
I just don't think I'm cut out for music.
But you're really good,
and your audition tape is great.
You've got to send it in
to the record company.
-It's like Doc's always saying.
-l know.
If you put your mind to it,
you can accomplish anything.
That's good advice.