Back to the Future

Yeah. Sure. Okay.
...have you interacted with anybody else
today besides me?

Yeah, well, I might've sort of
bumped into my parents.

Great Scott! Let me see that photograph
again of your brother.

Just as I thought. This proves my theory.
Look at your brother.

His head's gone. It's like it's been erased.
Erased from existence.
They really cleaned this place up.
Looks brand-new.

According to my theory, you interfered
with your parents' first meeting.

If they don't meet, they won't fall in love,
get married or have kids.

That's why your brother's disappearing.
Your sister will follow, and unless
you repair the damage, you're next.

Sounds heavy.
- Weight has nothing to do with it.

Which one's your pop?
That's him.
Okay. Okay, you guys.
Very funny.
You guys are being real mature.

Maybe you were adopted.
Okay, real mature, guys.
Okay, pick up my books.
- McFly.

That's Strickland.
Jesus, didn't that guy ever have hair?
Shape up, man. You're a slacker.
Do you want to be a slacker
for the rest of your life?

-What did your mother see in him?
-l don't know.

I guess she felt sorry for him
'cause her dad hit him with the car.

He hit me with the car.
That's the Florence Nightingale effect.
It happens in hospitals when
nurses fall in love with their patients.

Go to it, kid.
George, buddy.
I have been looking all over for you.
