- You're instilling me
with a lot of confidence.
Don't worry. I'll take care of ideas.
You take care of your pop.
By the way...
...what happened today? Did he ask her out?
-I think so.
-What did she say?
It's your mom! She's tracked you down!
Quick! Let's cover the time machine.
Hi, Cal.... Marty.
- Lorraine.
How did you know I was here?
I followed you.
This is my doc.... My uncle...
...Doc Brown.
Marty, this may seem a little forward...
...but I was kind of wondering...
...if you'd ask me to the...
...Enchantment Under the Sea dance
on Saturday?
You mean....
You mean nobody's asked you?
- No.
Not yet.
-What about George?
-George McFly?
He's kind of cute and all, but not....
I think a man should be strong...
...so he can stand up for himself...
...and protect the woman he loves.
Don't you?