Back to the Future

I still don't understand.
How am I supposed to
go to the dance with her...

...if she's already going
to the dance with you?

Well, because, George,
she wants to go with you.

She just doesn't know it yet.
That's why we got to show her
that you, George, are a fighter.

You're somebody who stands up
for yourself and will protect her.

Yeah, but I've never picked a fight
in my entire life.

Look, you're not going
to be picking a fight, Dad....

You're coming to her rescue, right?
Let's go over the plan again.
8:55, where are you going to be?

I'm going to be at the dance.
-And where am I going to be?
-You'll be in the car, with her.

Right around 9:00,
she's going to get very angry with me.

Why is she going to get angry with you?
Well, because, George, nice girls get angry
when guys take advantage of them.

-You're going to go touch her on her--
-No. No, George, look.

It's just an act, right?
So, 9:00, you're strolling
through the parking lot.

You see us struggling in the car.
You walk up, you open the door,
and you say....

Your line, George.
Hey, you, get your damn hands off her!
-You really think I ought to swear?

Goddamn it, George, swear.
Okay. So now you come up.
You punch me in the stomach.

I'm out for the count, right?
And you and Lorraine
live happily ever after.

You make it sound so easy.
I just.... I wish I wasn't so scared.
There's nothing to be scared of.
All it takes is self-confidence.

You know, if you put your mind to it...
:16:41 can accomplish anything.
Hill Valley weather this Saturday night.
Mostly clear, with some scattered clouds.
Lows tonight, in the upper forties.
Are you sure about this storm?
Since when can weathermen predict
the weather, let alone the future?

You know, Marty,
I'm going to be very sad to see you go.
