- You've got to get out
and change clothes.
- Right now? It's pouring rain.
Wait five more seconds.
Right on the tick.
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
Too bad the post office
isn't as efficient as the weather service.
Excuse the disguise, but I was afraid
you wouldn't recognize me.
I went to a rejuvenation clinic
and got a whole natural overhaul.
Took out some wrinkles,
did a hair repair, changed the blood...
...added 30 or 40 years to my life.
They also replaced my spleen and colon.
What do you think?
You look great, Doc.
The future.
-I got to check this out, Doc.
-All in good time.
-We're on a tight schedule.
-Tell me about my future.
Do I become, like, a rich rock star?
No one should know too much
about their destiny.
-I am rich, though, right?
-Marty, please, take off your shirt.
Put on the jacket and the shoes.
Got a mission to accomplish.
Precisely on schedule.
Power laces. All right.