Back to the Future

Have to be prepared
for all monetary possibilities.

Get yourself some '50s clothes.
- Check, Doc.

Something inconspicuous.
Doc. Come in. This is Marty. Over.
- Roger, this is Doc. Are you there?
- Yeah, Doc. I'm at the address.

It's the only Tannen in the book,
but I don't think this is Biff's house.

It looks like an old lady lives here.
- Biff!
- Yeah.

Where are you going, Biff?
- I'm going to get my car, Grandma.

When are you coming back?
I want you to rub my toes.

- Shut up, you old bag.
- Give us our ball back.
What ball?
- That ball!

What are you talking about?
- Give us our ball!
Is this your ball?
- Yeah!

You want it back?
- Yeah.

Go get it.
Doc, it is Biff's house. I'm on him. Over.
She's all fixed up,
but I couldn't get her started.

Got a kill switch?
- You just need the right touch.

Nobody can start this car but me.
The bill comes to $302.57.
- $300?

$300 for a couple of dents? That's bullshit.
It was horseshit.
The whole car was horseshit.

Jones wanted $80 to haul it away.
- I bet he resold it.

I got to get something.
You want something?

You can call Jones and
if he wants to give you a refund--

$300! If I catch the guy
that caused this I'll break his neck.

The manure. I remember that.
4 cans of Valvoline.
- 4 cans for a $300 job?
I can't have lunch in there.

Makes me nauseous.
- I should get a case for $300.
