Marty, Marty. Damn!
Where is that kid?
- Doc. Doc, come in.
Come in, Doc.
Marty! Come in.
Great Scott.
My God.
- Doc, Doc, come in.
Marty, what happened?
You weren't at Biff's house.
- I'm in Biff's car, heading for
the Enchantment Under The Sea dance.
We may have to abort this entire plan.
It's getting much too dangerous.
- The book's on his dashboard.
I'll grab it when we arrive.
You must be careful
not to run into your other self.
-My other self?
Remember your mother is
at that exact same dance with you.
Right. This could get heavy, Doc.
Heavy, heavy.
Whatever happens,
don't let your other self see you!
The consequences could be disastrous.
- Excuse me, sir.
Yes, you with the hat.
-Who, me?
Be a pal and hand me a five-eighths inch wrench
from the toolbox.
Don't you mean three-quarters?
Why, you're right.
I presume you're conducting
some sort of weather experiment.
That's right. How did you know that?
I happen to have had a little experience
in this area.
I'm hoping to see some lightning tonight...