Back to the Future

- Where's that punk Calvin Klein, anyway?
I don't know. I ain't his secretary.
- Well, find him.
He caused me $300 damage.

I owe him a knuckle sandwich. Get going!
Aren't you coming?
- I'm reading.

Well, well, Mr. Tannen.
How nice to see you here.
-Why, Mr. Strickland, nice to see you, sir.
-ls that liquor I smell, Tannen?

I wouldn't know.
I don't know what it smells like
because I'm too young to drink it.

I see.
What have we here?
Sports stats,
interesting subject. Homework, Tannen?

No, it ain't homework,
because, I ain't at home.

You got a real attitude problem, you know?
One day I'll have you where I want you,
in detention.

- Slacker!
