...that it be delivered
to a young man with your description...
...answering to the name of Marty
at this exact location...
...at this exact minute, November 12, 1955.
We had a bet going on whether this Marty
would actually be here.
Looks like I lost.
Did you say 70 years?
Yes. 70 years, 2 months, 12 days, to be exact.
Sign on line 6, please.
Here you are.
It's from the Doc!
"Dear Marty,
if my calculations are correct...
"...you will receive this letter immediately after
the DeLorean's struck by lightning.
"First let me assure you I'm alive and well.
"I've been living happily
these past eight months in the year 1885.
"The lightning bolt....
"September, 1885."
- Wait, kid!
Wait a minute. What's this all about?
He's alive!
The Doc's alive!
-He's in the Old West, but he's alive.
-Kid, you all right?
Need any help?
There's only one man who can help me.