Bravo, Tango, Delta 6-2-9.
Tow for impoundment.
Any unit, please respond.
Perfect. Just perfect.
I can't believe you'd loan me your car...
...without telling me it had a blind spot.
I could've been killed.
Now, Biff, I never noticed...
...that the car had any blind spot before
when I would drive it.
Hi, son.
Are you blind, McFly?
How else do you explain
that wreck out there?
Biff, can I assume...
...that your insurance
is going to pay for the damage?
My insurance? It's your car.
Your insurance should pay.
Who's going to pay for this?
I spilled beer when the car smashed
into me. Who'll pay my cleaning bill?
And where's my reports?
I haven't finished those up yet,
but I figured since they weren't due 'til--
Hello? Hello? Anybody home?
Think, McFly. Think!
I got to have time to get them retyped.
Do you realize what would happen
if I hand in my reports in your handwriting?
I'll get fired.
You wouldn't want that to happen,
would you?
-Would you?
-Of course not.
I wouldn't want that to happen.
Now, look.
I'll finish those reports tonight...
...and I'll run them on over
first thing tomorrow.
Not too early. I sleep in Saturday.
Your shoe's untied.
Don't be so gullible, McFly.