You see, it's got raisins in it.
You like raisins.
There is still one more thing
I would like to discuss with Lane.
The subject is...
is the mystery car.
Thank you, honey.
Which even as we speak...
darkens our domain
under a moldy tarp.
You do know the car
of which I speak?
- Yeah. I just never...
- Let me refresh your memory.
Cast your mind back.
It's a crisp September morning.
You borrowed $200 from me
to purchase the car...
mainly because
your girlfriend Beth said it was...
I believe the term was "tasty."
Since then, that "tasty" car...
has slept in an auto cocoon
on my front lawn.
I'll get around to it.
Have you seen the exchange student
who's staying at the Smiths's house?
Perhaps you should go over
and welcome her to our town.
I think she would like that.
Mrs. Smith probably got her
so that weirdo son...
could see what
a real girl looks like.
You know,
he never goes outdoors.
Just sits in that house,
crochets all day long.
The Chapmans had
their exchange student...
stay with them for six months.
He practically became a son
to Jules and Irene.
You mean that kid
from El Salvador?
Can I be excused?
I'm not feeling well.
I'm just gonna be excused.
I can't figure it out, Badger.
You seem smart. Why waste your time
with all this kid-stuff garbage?
You're almost eight.