I know that we don't
even know each other...
but I know that you were going out
with that girl Beth.
I can see that you're not
going out with her anymore...
and I was wondering if perhaps
I could just be with her...
go to the movies,
have a soda.
- Can I talk to you for a moment?
- Yeah.
Come in here and sit down,
please, young man.
- Look, I'm sorry about the garage.
- Let me give you the bottom line.
It would be entirely beneficial...
if you were to reenter
the sociological mainstream...
by reengaging in the ritual act of
dating members of the opposite sex.
I don't wanna date other girls.
I wanna date Beth.
I'm sorry to inform you that you are
going to start dating other girls.
- Starting tonight.
- Oh?
Tonight at 6:00,
you're picking up Joanne Greenwald.
- Your law partner's daughter?
- That's right.
The one with the big antenna
on her face?
Come on.
Mellow off.
It's a brand-new year.
There's a New Year's Eve dance
at your school.
- You kids love this disco thing.
- Disco? Come on, Dad.
You are really...
bringing me over, man.
- 6:00.
- Right off.
- On.
- On. Right...
All right, Joanne Greenwald,
you horrible thing...
here's your one chance
to go out with a real stud.
One night with me, and she'll
probably go blind with ecstasy.
Poor creature.
I hope she doesn't
grab on to my leg and start...
crying when the date's over.
God, what do you do?
All right, Joanne Greenwald.