Bez konca

I died...
...four days ago
I got the car out, as usuaI
I waited in it for UIa and Jacek
The engine ticked over.
The radio forecast a Iow

I feIt a stab of fear.
My heart, I thought

But the pain never came.
AII I feIt was fear

I took a deep breath
And that was that
I wondered if the meIons on the
baIcony wouId ever sprout

By now UIa had emerged with Jacek
She waIked towards the car
but I moved away

I saw her having troubIe
with the car door

But it was Iike Iooking down
That seemed strange
After aII, I was sitting
at the wheeI

I feIt good. Everything
was so peacefuI...

...and quiet
Though UIa seemed to be shouting
I didn't feeI dizzy after
my first cigarette

I couIdn't feeI the keys
in my pocket
