Bez konca

It struck me I couId come back
to myseIf if I wanted to...

...and drive Jacek to schooI
But I feIt better as I was,
much better

I watched the coffin being cIosed
It was then that Jacek understood,
because he began to cry

His hands were frozen
But he was ashamed to put them
in his pockets

I went back home.
It was stiII empty

Darek's dossier was Iying
on the desk

I wished I couId be with him
in court

I onIy saw UIa and Jacek
after they got back

They feII asIeep together
on his bed

He cIung to her for a Iong time
She woke up in the night and
moved to her own bed

Ula? Tomek here
-l'm in Warsaw, just landed
- Where?

At Okecie. l hope l'm in time
to catch the Counsellor

- He's not here
-At 7.30? You two split up?

ls that the alarm?
How's that for timing?

Antek is dead
The funeraI was yesterday.
CaII me Iater
