Maybe the boy...
- It couIdn't have been him
- Then who?
It's Antek warning me off
So what now? No, that's stupid
I must go. I may not get a taxi
- I'II go with you
- I can drop you, sir
- I have a car
- No one says ''sir'' here
The Institute. Is that OK?
I'II get ready
What Institute?
For cancer research.
You Iooked through that fiIe
I didn't know you. I was afraid
There was a message.
Something about...
...not taking the chiId to see dad.
I don't get it
I do
What shaII I teII Darek?
I'm due back soon
AII you know. But remember,
everything here is fine
No probIems
For you
- Drop by sometime
- I wiII
''I'm worried about my famiIy
''TeII Joanna not to take SyIwia...''
You'II ruin your eyesight