Can you imagine a different
- Not reaIIy
- There you are, then
The onIy PoIand you want to make
better is a SociaIist PoIand
And that's what you have to say
Never mind what you think
You're pending triaI
Ever been in a courtroom?
Judges are a fixture
They respect their job
They may be tired, but they're
weII aware history is Iike a wheeI
Let's give them a chance
- Know what that means?
- Yes. A seII-out
There's aIways some Ieeway between
seIIing out and compromising, son
There is. But you have to find it
The evidence against you is thin
They're onIy interested in Ieaders.
Don't make it seem...
...the strike was your idea
- It was everyone's idea
- Sure, but it won't Iook that way
But I was eIected. I had the Iist
Suit yourseIf
There's no evidence, no
committee, no Ieader
- Is that right?
- Right
Not quite, but near enough
I toId you, there's aIways
some Ieeway
Now, have you ever been
to a demonstration?
Why onIy once? I'II teII you why
The opposition were wearing the
same uniform you wore in the army
You wanted to take part,
but couIdn't
Psychiatrists caII that...
Zyro was against pIeading