To get you out of here
Is there anything you need?
We're thinking of a hunger strike
What for?
Whose hands do you think
you'II be pIaying into?
Got any better suggestions?
No, I've never been any good
at these things
Forgive me, but it's warmer
in here
I had a cake but I ate it
No coffee either. Tea?
No, thank you. What's this?
Antek's notes on that kid's case
Can you decipher them?
The odd word
''The Iaw demands...
''The Iaw demands too much
of peopIe today
''It kiIIs what is...
''It kiIIs what is most precious
in human reIationships''
This is underIined
''If the Iaw is against IoyaIty
and trust, then it is immoraI
''No government shouId be...
''...shouId be interested in ruIing
over a divided nation''