Was that wrong?
No. But you have to be IogicaI
If you decide to Iive...
...you must Iearn to endure
Point 5: consequences
and concIusions
Antek's dead. He can't save
both his skin and his honour
My way's unacceptabIe.
That Ieaves one option
We IeveI with him
Let him decide himseIf
You shouIdn't have taken
this case
I had to, my boy.
I admire that man
I toId him he had to survive...
...not waste time on gestures
His kind of integrity
is important...
...not just to him
PeopIe want to be brave.
They need exampIes
- What are we in the end?
- Defenders
Yeah, you can say that again
Murderers, thieves,
beg to be sprung
An innocent man refuses
After 45 years at the bar,
he makes me ask myseIf:
Whom do we reaIIy defend?
Against whom? Against what?
- Noticed we have the same name?
- AII the time
At Ieast we can teII him that
his famiIy's being taken care of
That they're provided for