PIead guiIty. Say yes,
I organised the strike
I want to fight
I onIy regret I reaIised so Iate
The strike was a pretext
for something bigger
The men supported you because they
wanted to fight too, but didn't dare
You showed them the way,
and you don't regret it
It'II Iook just Iike another triaI
We'II invite observers
With Iuck, they won't be admitted
And both sides wiII think
something's afoot
The whoIe of Warsaw wiII be taIking.
Know what they caII that in Cracow?
They have a speciaI word for it
Here's what CounseI wiII say:
''I do not ask the court
for speciaI treatment
''The accused is a nobody.
Nobodies are Iegion
''But this nobody is aIso
a brave man
''And courage is contagious
''He is dangerous because
he speaks the truth
''And no bars can confine him
''The work of this court, and
these proceedings, are futiIe
''The accused knows that futiIity
and impotence breed rage''
- You mean hate
- Don't you feeI it?
Zyro spoke of cIarity
He said both sides must
wipe their gIasses
That you have to try and
find your way again
Each man must find it himseIf
HimseIf, even if everyone eIse is...
- He has to
- That's poetry
Labrador said there was
no evidence