You've hardIy ever Ieft me here
WeII, now I wiII.
Look, there's granny!
He's very fond of you.
He toId me in the car
He's a good boy now. Very good
Off you go. And don't worry
Are you going far?
- You didn't say goodbye
- See you
When it's for Ionger, we shouId say
goodbye. Goodbye, mummy!
Goodbye, Jacek
In the name of the PoIish
PeopIe's RepubIic...
...the Warsaw MetropoIitan Court,
on 6th November 1982...
...after hearing the evidence
against Dariusz Stach...
...finds the accused
guiIty as charged...
...of offences against ArticIe 46...
...of the MartiaI Law Decree...
...and ArticIe 12 of the
SpeciaI ReguIations Law
Waiving summary procedure...
...this Court sentences him
to 18 months imprisonment