- Come with us.
- With the murderer?
There is safety in numbers, my dear.
- No clue how he died?
- No.
This is absolutely terrible.
It's not what I intended. Oh, my God!
- Not what you intended?
- You're not the butler?
Not the butler, but a butler.
In fact, I was his butler.
If he invited us, why was he late?
I invited you. I wrote the letters.
It was all my idea.
Wait a minute. I don't understand.
Why invite us?
Were you helping him blackmail us?
- Certainly not!
- You had better explain.
Please sit down, everyone.
When I said I was Mr Boddy's butler,
it was true but misleading.
I was once his butler. But it was not
his death that ended my employment.
- When did it end?
- When my wife decided to end her life.
She too was being blackmailed
by this odious man who lies dead.
He hated my wife
for the same reason he hated you.
He believed you were all
thoroughly un-American.
- Sorry.
- He felt it was inappropriate
for a senator to have a corrupt wife,
a doctor to take advantage of patients,
for a wife to emasculate
her husband and... so forth...