A likely story.
Maybe they'll just go away.
- I'm going to open it.
- Why?
I have nothing to hide, I didn't do it!
The key.
Thank you.
Good evening, sir.
- Yes?
- I found an abandoned car at the gate.
- Did the driver come in here for help?
- No.
- Well, actually, yes.
- No!
- Seems to be some disagreement.
- No!
- Can I come in and use your phone?
- Of course, sir.
You may use the one in the... No...
You could use the one in the st... No...
Would you be kind enough
to wait in... in the library?
Don't I know you from someplace?
You all seem very anxious.
The chandelier fell and almost killed us.
Would you come this way?
Frightfully draughty, these old houses.
Please help yourself to a drink,
if you'd like.
- Not the cognac, just in case.
- In case of what?
What now?
- We should've told.
- You say that now.
- I said it then.
- Oh, shut up!